- When meeting with customers be prepared to review their opportunities - what products they could be stocking, what other similar customers have been buying and get important information about whether they are growing or declining, what products they have stopped buying and whether we are making appropriate margins with them.
- Salesmatrix SWOT does all the intelligent work for you and delivers in an easy to read format. No number crunching and long reports, just a simple one page report detailing all the key points about your customer.
- When reviewing opportunities, you can create emails, store notes or create reminders so that opportunities are not missed.
- Salesmatrix SWOT will pay for itself over and over again - never miss an opportunity again!
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- See what similar customers in the area, group, category etc. are buying that your customer doesn't. Look at the market-basket cross-sell opportunities: are they buying the Big Mac, but not the fries and the Coke?
- Quickly see what each customer buys and how regularly. Understand their margin and revenue profile. Are their purchases trending up or down? How frequently do they buy from you?
- Identify what products a customer has stopped buying from you. See if a customer hasn't bought on their usual cycle. Detect if revenue or margins are outside expected ranges.
- Salesmatrix SWOT will pay for itself over and over again - never miss an opportunity again!