...customise scripts to show Product and Customer notes and details in the Salesmatrix grid.
Salesmatrix can display pop-up notes against Customers/Products
Salesmatrix has the ability to import and view notes for Products, Customers or Salespersons within the Salesmatrix grid. This is in response to many requests for additional information to be shown in the grid around the product or customers description.
For example, we can do this for the following circumstances:
- Show what is currently in stock and on order in Salesmatrix
- Access the Telephone number or email address of the customer we are looking at
- Show the part number and the location of the stock item in Salesmatrix
Within the script interface is the possibility to bring in additional information that can be displayed in pop-ups when the user mouse-overs a description. In essence, all that is required is the additional clause:
"[Notefield(s)]" as MDesc eg Client.Phone as MDesc
in any of the Product, Customer or Salesperson SQL statements in the script.
Sample results are shown below:
The above data was extracted from an Exonet database by adding to the Product SQL the clause:
'In Stock:'+ltrim(str(STOCK_ITEMS.TOTALSTOCK))+Char(10)+'Latest Cost:'+ltrim(str(STOCK_ITEMS.LATESTCOST)) as MDesc
A similar example of a clause that from Advanced Business Manager (ABM) extracts the Qty on Hand and the Qty on Order is as follows:
'On Hand:'+ltrim(str(PRODUCTS.QtyOnHand))+' On Order:'+ltrim(str(PRODUCTS.SuppOrders)) as MDesc
For Customers:
This was also extracted from an Exonet database by adding to the Customer SQL the clause:
rtrim(DR_ACCS.ADDRESS1)+', '+rtrim(DR_ACCS.ADDRESS2)+', '+rtrim(DR_ACCS.ADDRESS3)+char(10)+'Phone: '+rtrim(DR_ACCS.PHONE)+Char(10)+'Fax: '+rtrim(DR_ACCS.FAX)+Char(10)+'Email:'+Rtrim(DR_ACCS.EMAIL)+Char(10)+'Pricegroup:'+ltrim(str(DR_ACCS.PRICEGROUP)) as MDesc
Additional Notes:
The width of each note is limited, but the text in the pop-up will wrap and the area will expand up and downwards to accommodate text. Pop-up notes can be switched off in the options.
The notes can be changed manually in the details tab of the Intelligence Drilldown screen.
With small modifications, additional data can be displayed at analysis time. This script functionality complements the Salesmatrix Server functionality, which provides automated updates to Salesmatrix datasets, allowing up-to-date data to be shown on the grid.